Hey guys! Tomorrow at NOON EDT we'll be having another Byte Club Members/Supporters appreciation stream!
If you're a YT channel member or a supporter on Patreon or Locals, look out tomorrow morning for a post on whichever platform you joined on for a link to the live stream. We'll hang out, you can ask questions, and we'll go over some topics that have been on my brain for a bit. Should be some good, casual fun. Come join!!
Hey everyone! At 10 am ET we're going live on YT again for more Menendez Mondays. Today we're wrapping up Lyle's and opening up Erik's testimony.
I've heard Erik's is even more intense than Lyle's, so, get ready. Hope to see you there!
New upload!! In this one we're diving into a New York court's recent decision to give Former President Donald Trump's New York businesses what many are calling the "corporate death penalty." We're going into what the case is about, what the judge decided, and what legally this means for Donald Trump moving forward.
Don't worry, this is not getting into politics--it's straight legal talk all the way through. 🙃 Come check it out!